(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Title%20Image.jpg" width="700px" height="400px">]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[by Emily Gomez-Adames]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[The end times are near. VERY near. Choose your own path to decide if you survive and thrive, survive and wish you didn’t, or…the opposite of survive.
(click-replace: "the opposite of survive.")[Death. I'm talking about death.]
So let’s get [[start]]ed.](align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[The end times are near...
And by the end times, I'm talking about...
*Dun Dun DUN*
(text-colour:red)[[THE ALIEN APOCALYPSE]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Alien%20Spaceship.jpg" width="700px" height="400px">]
(text-colour:grey)[(text-style:"blink")[''[(align:"=><=")[BREAKING NEWS]]'']]
There have been numerous sightings of a "strange object" hovering in the sky at night. After much speculation by civilians, the government has finally admitted that they have no idea what it is.
Apparently, they have been trying to get into contact with them for months without much success...until now. Some super smart scientists were able to contact them and translate their language. How? (mouseover-replace:"How?")[How? Don't ask. It's superrrrr complicated to explain.]
Here's the message:
(text-colour:red)[//"The end times are near. Say your goodbyes. This world will be ours now."//]
Pretty scary huh? So what are YOU going to do about it?
[[What do you mean? I can't do anything about this!]]
[[I'm going to figure out a way to save our world!]](align:"<==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[Not with that attitude.
So what exactly do you plan to do if you're not going to save the world?
[[I need to say goodbye to my loved ones.]]
[[I plan to hole up in my secret bunker.]]](align:"<==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[That's the spirit! Now how exactly are you going to do that?
[[I'm going to go to the super smart scientists and found out more of what they know!]]
[[I've got to sneak on that ship and show those aliens who's boss!]]]What a clever ambition! The way to do this is by calling up your local news to get in contact with them. You dial up the number Bee-boop-boop-beep.
(align:"=><=")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Phone.png" width="200px" height="200px">]
(align:"<==")+(box:"=XX=")[(text-colour:grey)["You've reached customer service. How can we help you in these trying times?"]
(text-colour:cyan)["I need to talk to the scientists who communicated with the aliens. It's an emergency!"]
(text-colour:grey)["Listen, //everything// is an emergency right now. Why should we let you speak to them?"]
(text-colour:cyan)["Because I want to help them stop the aliens!"]
(text-colour:grey)["HAHAHA. Good luck with that."]]
Rude. They hung up! Looks like you're going to have to go [[talk to the aliens yourself.->I've got to sneak on that ship and show those aliens who's boss!]]You go outside and run to where you usually see the strange object hovering. Everyone is too scared to go near it so no one is around. As you get closer, you see it's a spaceship!
A large light beams down on you. You're scared but you need to do this. As you bravely stand there, a long ladder is sent down from the ship.
<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Alien%20and%20Ladder.jpg" width="800px" height="400px">
It looks like they want you to go up. It could be a trap. Should you still go up?
[[Never mind, I can't save humanity after all.->What do you mean? I can't do anything about this!]]
[[Of course I'm going up! It's why I came here.->Climb that stinking ladder and give those aliens a piece of my mind!]]That's understandable.
But you have to pass through the city to get to your family's house on the other side of town. As you drive through, you notice the city is a complete mess. The people are going crazy with the alien revelation! Stores are getting looted, fires are spreading, and citizens are getting hurt.
<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Town%20on%20Fire.webp" width="800px" height="400px">
Do you want to stay on the quickest path to your family's home or take a longer detour on some backroads?
[[I'll stay on the quickest path.]]
[[I will take the backroads.]]You decide to continue through the mayhem in town, and a group of people crowd around your car. They're smushing their faces against the windows and shouting, "Help! We need help!"
You're feeling overwhelmed by all the chaos and don't know how to help them. They are starting to take off pieces of your car! They're absolutely feral! They manage to pry open your driver's side door and you make a run for it. There's a clear road that leads to the woods. [[You head to the forest.->I'll let the darkness lead the way.]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/project%202/Running.webp" height=400 width=700>](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Backroads.png" width="700px" height="400px">]
It's awfully quiet on these backroads. You follow your GPS when all of a sudden, the screen goes blank. Your car completely shuts down and swerves off the road before crashing into a tree.
Luckily, you're still conscious, but you did hit your head. You remember hearing about this on the news. The aliens have used their biological warfare to create (text-colour:red)[Dead Zones]. You are in an area where there is no power.
You have two options: you can either keep walking in the darkness towards the direction of your family's home, or you can go back the way you came to find some help.
[[I'll let the darkness lead the way.]]
[[I guess I'll go back the way I came.]]You start heading back the way you came and if it's even possible, the city is worse than how you left it. Everyone is fighting! A group of people that look like they're up to no good start walking towards you.
Uh oh.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Thugs.jpg" width="700px" height="500px">]
(text-colour:grey)["I don't want any trouble!"] you scream.
(text-colour:red)["Too bad,"] one of them says. (text-colour:red)["Because we do."]
They start chasing you and you have no choice but to run away. You try to lose them in the crowd when you spot the empty road you came from. You sigh and run [[back to the forest.->I'll let the darkness lead the way.]]You wander down the side of the road for hours. There is nothing around you. You have no idea where you are going. No one is there to help you.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/project%202/road%20part%202.jpg" height=300 width=600>]
Then you hear a weird sound and feel a set of bright lights above you. It's the aliens! It looks like they are hovering over the sky in their spaceship. And is that-? It is! A ladder is making its way down...
What are you going to do about it?
[[Climb that stinking ladder and give those aliens a piece of my mind!]]
[[AHHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!]]Ooooh you're bold! It's good to be bold in these times.
You climb the ladder and enter the spaceship. There's an alien waiting for you but it doesn't look scary and omnimous and out to conquer our world. It looks...adorable!
It says something to you.
<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Baby%20Alien.jpg" width="800px" height="500px">
After seeing your confused face. It pulls out a shiny device and speaks in it. The english translation comes out and you hear it.
//(text-colour:cyan)["I need help! We want to help your world!"]//
OH! The scientists must have gotten the message wrong! They don't want to conquer our world, they want to help us!
[[I should tell the scientists they got it wrong.]]Ooooh, maybe not the best choice.
You running blindly in the dark lead to you tripping and falling down a hill. You hit your head and landed in a shallow pond. Because no one was around to help you, you left this world earlier than most. (mouseover-replace:"you left this world earlier than most.")[you died, buddy.]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Woods%20at%20Night.jpg" width="700px" height="600px">]
Sorry about that, but there are no do overs in the apolycapse.You manage to go tell the (text-colour:red)[super] smart scientists that they're not actually so smart after all. And they are (text-colour:red)[super] offended but (text-colour:green)[grateful].
The government decides to reward you with tons of money and asks for you to be the official emissary for the humans!
[[Nah, I'll just take my money and go.]]
[[Cool! A new job!]]Suit yourself!
You now live out the rest of your days with your money and hear about the amazing advancements with the aliens on the news. You managed to reunite with your loved ones as well! What a win-win!
You are thankful you tried to do your part to save the world.
<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Alien%20Money.jpg" width="800px" height="400px">You are now an emissary for the humans and have done a fantastic job communciating with the aliens. You have even started to learn their language. Because of them, they have managed to make your world a better place! The waters are clean, diseases are cured, and everyone is happier.
You are not only rich but overall happy! You are glad you actively helped in making the world better. Good job! Or should I say (text-colour:green)[gloob borp]!
(align:"==><===")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/Humans%20and%20Aliens.jpg" width="400px" height="400px">]Wow! Who knew you had a secret bunker ready to go?
Ah, you must have been one of those paranoid folks who has a secret bunker filled with canned food, bottled water, and anything that would keep you entertained for decades.
(text-style:"strike")[(text-colour:red)[What a weirdo.]]
You go down to your bunker and securely lock it. The gray room is exactly as you left it, rows of food and water to your left and a small living room with an attached kitchen and bathroom to your right.
Looks like you have some time to kill. What do you want to do?
Watch a movie. (click-append:"Watch a movie.")[
You turn on your small boxy TV and press play.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FUuidCfdPY4?si=FxWUUKdUEAiLSP4p" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>]
Darn it. Why did you have to pick such a sad film?
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/project%202/Sad%20sponge.webp" width=300px height=200px>]]
Listen to the news on my radio. (click-append:"Listen to the news on my radio.")[
You grab your rectangular radio and tune in to your local news station.
//(text-colour:grey)["Attention citizens. The aliens are still hovering over us without any more coherent conversation being made between them and our scientists. The government has agreed to not to send a party to the ships because of their dangerous nature. For many of us, this is goodbye.]//
You sit back in dismay. It looks like it's just you now. For who knows [[how long]].
]Thirty years later...
You blink the ~~(text-colour:red)[oldness]~~ weariness from your eyes as you get up for the 10,950th day. You have quite the routine worked out.
(text-colour:grey)[''Step 1: Get up.
Step 2: Contemplate your loneliness.
Step 3: Brush your teeth.
Step 4: Eat some breakfast.
Step 5: Morning Yoga'']
(text-colour:red)[WAIT]. You're trying to salvage some breakfast when you realize something. As you go to your empty shelves that were once stocked with food, and crouch down to the very bottom row, you see...there's only one more jar left.
Wow. It's been thirty years and you finally ran out of food. You don't know if you should feel proud or scared.
The only two options now are to stay here and wither away, or finally feel brave enough to venture outside (if there even is still an outside).
[[I think I'll wither away.]]
[[It's time to go outside.]]Well, that's awfully dark.
Fine! Give up!
I hope you had a nice thirty years watching (text-colour:blue)[Up] over and over again. And the occasional (text-colour:red)[High School Musical].
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DykVJl6wr_4?si=qJrvyTprppSeogR6" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>]
Goodbye!You're very brave, you know that?
You unlatch your bunker, take a deep breath, and step outside. It's...(text-colour:lime)[BEAUTIFUL]!
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/project%202/Utopia.jpg" height=400 width=750>]
There are so much luscious green trees and clean water everywhere! Spaceships are hovering far in the sky and individuals are roaming the spotless streets. But they don't look like normal humans. Some have (text-colour:lime)[green skin]! They look like aliens, but then again, not quite.
One human-alien-like creature stops when they notice your haggard appearance.
//"Arp loop skay?"// they say to you.
You shake your head in shock. What did they just say?
"Oh, um. English?" They try again.
You nod fervently.
"I said, Are you okay?"
You rub your eyes as you realize they have three eyes instead of two. (text-colour:grey)[//Are// you okay?]
"I-" You clear your throat. You realize you haven't spoken to another person in a long time. "I-I was in my bunker. And now I'm here. It's been about thirty years and-"
"Thirty years?!" they exclaim. "Well you sure have missed a lot!"
"What happened?" you ask.
They laugh. "What didn't happen? When my people tried to come to Earth to share our knowledge and culture, the humans thought we were coming to attack them! Many of them destroyed themselves in fear and stupidity. Eventually, we were able to properly translate with them after someone was brave enough to speak with us face to face. You see, we couldn't speak your language back then so we had this translator device but it could only work in person. Anyway, after we properly communicated, we ended up moving in with the humans that were left and now we live jointly!"
Well. That was a lot.
You look around and take it all in. Now that you notice the people more, even the ones who have more than one arm or foot or head, you realize everyone looks very happy.
"It's (text-colour:lime)[beautiful]," you say again.
They smile at you, "It sure is."
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://emilygg.neocities.org/project%202/finger%20touch.webp" height=500 width=750>]